
With a wide variety of issues, concerns, questions, conflicts, and challenges. Contact us at
Diana Simon
My name is Diana Simon, and I am Chair of the Ombuds Committee this year. I am supported by a wonderful committee consisting of a diverse array of campus professionals, including tenured and non-tenured faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students. Our goal is to create a supportive environment where everyone feels heard and to do so in a way that supports the University’s values of integrity and inclusion.
We are here to serve current faculty, staff, and students, and to serve all UA units and colleges, regardless of location. We listen to any concerns except for: (1) issues regarding promotion and tenure of faculty; (2) issues regarding termination of an employee during a probationary period; (3) issues involving student misconduct and academic integrity; and (4) issues that have been formally noticed by compliance investigators.
The Ombuds Committee is governed by the following standards: (1) Confidentiality; (2) Impartiality: (3) Informality; and (4) Independence. For a more complete understanding of how these standards apply, please refer to our charter. To help you understand the role of the Ombuds, here is a link to the information we provide all new visitors.
We can help you move forward no matter how messy your situation may be. If we cannot help you, we will work with you to find other campus resources that can. Further, with your permission, we can facilitate a discussion with you and others to help improve your situation.
Communications with the Ombuds Committee are informal and off-the-record. They do not constitute formal “notice” to the University of Arizona of alleged, actual, or perceived inappropriate behavior by the University or its employees. Other channels exist within the University for such notice to be given and will be discussed by an ombuds as appropriate or when requested. By using the services of the Ombuds, you agree to never seek to compel the Ombuds Office to disclose any information received as part of providing these services, and you further agree to the terms contained in our charter.
To set up an appointment with the Ombuds Committee, email us at We will get back to you the next business day (holidays excluded) to set up an appointment by Zoom. This allows you to meet with us privately without having to walk into an office. To preserve confidentiality, these visits are never recorded. You will meet with one or two members of the committee (depending on the issue).
We want to hear your story!
Diana J. Simon